Due to genetics, certain medications, and other unspecified factors, some men develop enlarged male breasts. This condition can be stressful and embarrassing, as well as resistant to diet and exercise. Our Utah gynecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction surgery, is performed to reduce breast size in men and create a more masculine chest contour.
What is gynecomastia and what causes it?
Gynecomastia refers to the enlargement of the male breast. Hormonal imbalances can be the cause, but it is usually not related to any measurable change in these chemicals. If there are detectable changes, then treatment may be directed to treating these with medications. In the more common situation, overgrowth of the male breast simply occurs around puberty, and the only reliable treatment is surgical.
Before & After Male Breast Reduction
Click through our gallery to get a preview of the results our patients get.
How is gynecomastia surgery performed?
Depending upon the extent of the breast enlargement and the proportion of fat and breast gland present, the recommended surgical treatment may vary.
- In cases where there is little loose skin, removal of the excess breast tissue and fat is all that is needed. These approaches may involve liposuction alone, or a combination of excision through a nipple incision with liposuction.
- If the breast enlargement is much more substantial and associated with notable skin excess, then skin removal might be necessary. These incisions might be in the pattern of a female breast reduction – upside down T or anchor styles – or others.
Benefits of gynecomastia surgery
Our male breast reduction in Utah (gynecomastia surgery) has several important benefits, not the least of which is an increase in physical comfort and self-confidence. This procedure can:
- Restore a more masculine physique
- Ease physical activity
- Help improve posture
- Help boost confidence and self-esteem
Learn more about gynecomastia in Utah
If you feel that our male breast reduction in Salt Lake City might be right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Brzowski today to get started!
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