Breast Augmentation: Beyond the Cup Size
Your entire adult life you’ve defined your breasts by their cup size. It comes as no surprise then that women desiring fuller breasts first think about it in terms of what cup size they would like to be.

There is, however, a lot more to consider than cup size. The best breast augmentation is a perfect balance between the patient’s personal preferences and their body’s unique anatomy.
The ideal cup size? It really isn’t part of the implant selection equation at all.
“It’s about achieving a look, not a cup size,” says Dr. Brzowski. “When they end up with a look that they love, they’ll always love their cup size, even if it’s different than what they thought they wanted. It really opens their eyes.”

Breast implant selection typically takes place over two appointments at Brzowski Plastic Surgery. During the first appointment, Dr. Brzowski will take a great deal of measurements of your chest wall and breasts. These measurements help with the science that makes up your anatomy. Do your breasts sit close together on the chest wall? How wide is your chest? How high or low do the nipples sit on the breast? Is there extra skin between the nipple and the bottom of the breastfold?
Dr. Brzowski will consider each of these numbers as he narrows down the available sizes, shapes, and styles of implants that would be a good fit based on your anatomy. The measurements will also help him decide if a lift is recommended to help you achieve your goals.

“The reason why we do a lot of measurements, even more measurements now than we used to, is because we really try to blend the art and science of what we do,” explains Brzowski. “By documenting this specific measurements, and bringing that data into our artistic eye, we can really begin to give the patient the best outcome.”
The next appointment is all about communication. Patients are asked to bring in photographs of the breast look they like and that they hope to achieve. Lots of time is spent talking about what they do and don’t want when it comes to both the size and shape of their breasts. During this second appointment patients are also able to “try on” the various sizes to get a better feel for the outcome after surgery.
If you aren’t happy with your current breast size and are interested in improving the shape and size of your breasts, give Brzowski Plastic Surgery a call today to schedule your consultation. We’ll walk you through the process of a successful breast augmentation so you can love your breasts.