Bikini Body after 40
Aging is a natural, normal part of life. The body you had at twenty is not the same body you have at 40. Likewise, the body you have at 40 is not the same one you will have at 50.

By the time a woman reaches her forties, many changes have taken place in her body. No amount of exercise or healthy eating can prevent age from taking its toll. Metabolisms slow, skin begins to sag and the scale typically begins to climb. Pregnancy and major weight fluctuations can compound the effects of age, adding stretch marks and deflated breasts to the mix.
At Brzowski Plastic Surgery it is not our goal to take your 40 year old body and replace it with that of a woman found in a Victoria’s Secret catalog. Instead, our goal is to help boost your confidence by improving areas that are holding you back from putting on a bikini and feeling comfortable in it.

There are many options, both surgical and non-surgical, that can help you feel and look your best in a bikini at any age. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation so that we can help you select the best options for achieving natural looking results that you will love.
Loose Skin
If you have loose, sagging skin on your abdomen, you may be a good candidate for a tummy tuck. Also known as an abdominoplasty, this surgery removes excess skin and addresses the underlying tissues, providing women with a strong foundation for a smooth, contoured abdomen.
Excess Fat
Whether you carry excess weight in your stomach, thighs or buttocks is often determined by your genetics. Liposuction is a surgical option to reduce the bulk of excess fat where you carry it. During liposuction Dr. Brzowski not only removes fat, he also sculpts a more attractive contour for your figure.
Deflated or Sagging Breasts
One of the most frustrating parts of aging for women is seeing breasts that were once perky and round begin to droop. Fortunately, breasts that sag can be lifted surgically. A breast lift restores a youthful shape to the breasts and often also improves symmetry between the two breasts.
Another option to enhance the breasts is to replace lost volume. After breastfeeding, many women find their cup size is smaller and their breasts are flatter. Breast augmentation can restore a fuller, rounder shape to the breasts with the placement of a breast implant.

Dimpled skin is not always about excess weight. If you have stubborn cellulite that has not improved with weight loss or physical activity, Cellfina may be a good option for you.
Cellfina is an FDA-approved non-surgical treatment that is effective for treating cellulite on the thighs and buttocks. While there is some discomfort expected with treatment, most patients find it to be minimal and manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers. Patients can return to work the next day, and the results achieved are long-lasting with a single treatment.